Aansik Veda 15.06.9119
Sanskrite {Bhojpuri Bhaazaa me`} [in ‘21sT Sencuri Inglish’]
Aansik Veda: {Aansik Ved} [Ansik Veda]
* TriBhaazeeyam (Saralikrit Sanskrite):
"Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam" sthaane,
** {‘Teen Bhaasaa waalaa’ (InBho, AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri me`) },
*** [Traailingual / Trilingual (In Inglish / English)]:
* ”Rigveda Samhitaa” : LekhakaVicaaraSah
** {“Rigved Asal” : Lekhak ke baat ke saath}
*** ["rigveda Orijinal" with raaiTar's vius / “Rigveda Original” : with Writer's Views]
* VedaPaThanaPoorvam nimnaLikhitVizayaGyaanam aavashyakam.
** {Veda paD*e se pahile kuch khaas tathya jaanal jaroori baa je se Veda ke sahi maane samhajh me` aawe. Dekhee` neece}:
*** [Bifor reeDing Veda, van shuD anDarsTaenD sam besik faekTs so aez Tu geT karrekT meening aof da Himns. Pleez look aeT da faolloing book: /
Before reading Veda, one should understand some basic facts so as to get correct meaning of the Hymns. Please look at the following book[:
* Tamaso Maa Jyotirgamaya:: Vedasya Siddhaantam, Saaram ca.
** {Anhaar se A`joor: : Veda Ke Aadhaar aa Saar}
*** [Daarkness Tu LaaiT: : DaokTrin aend JisT aof Vedaz /
Darkness to Light:: Doctrine and Gist of Vedas]:
[Aothar: Dr Pt. deva datta Sharmaa / Author: Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma] Lekhak: Da Pa Deva Datta Sharmaa
VedaAyurvedaGrihaat [Fraom: da Haaus aof Vedaaz & Aayurveda / From: The House of Vedas & Ayurveda] {Ved aa Ayurved ke Ghar se}.
: Sarvaadhikaaraa: Pustakasya LekhakaPrakaashakaSahaSuraxitam.
: {Sab Adhikaar Kitaab ke Lekhak aa Prakaashak ke paas suraxit baa.}
: [Kaopi raaiT: Aol raaiTs rizarvD with da Aothar aend Pablishar aof da book /
Copy Right: All rights reserved with the Author and Publisher of the book.]
*** [Hu iz sappozD Tu reeD dis book: / Who is supposed to read this book:
dis book me bi helpful faor aol "Hu looks gooD faor aol biings, living aor nan-living". da book iz naoT me~D faor doz hu Deraaivs plezar in Teejing aend haarming adars. SaainTisTs aend adars hooz maanDs aar naoT paolyuTeDbaai da aorthoDox relijas aend adar thaoTs me aolso reeD da book. / This book may be helpful for all “Who looks good for all being, living or non-living”. The book is not made for those who derive pleasure in teasing or harming others. Scientists and others whose minds are not polluted by the orthodox religious and other thoughts may also read the book.]
** {Ee Kitaab kekaraa ke paD*e ke caahee`:
Ee kitaab oh sab logan khaatir baa “Je sab ceejan, sajeev caahe nirjeev, ke bhalaai so`celaa”. Ee kitaab oh logan khaatir naikhe jeksraa dusar ke kau`caawe me` aa haani pahu`caawe me` majaa aawe. Vaigyaanik aa auru log jekat dimaag mat-mataantar aa dakiyaanoosi vicaar se pare baa, uuho eh kitaab ke paD*a sakelan.}
· Kena paThaneeyametat pustakam:
Etat pustakam tezaam faladaayinee, “Ye sarve bhootaanaam kalyaa0Iamicchanti”. Ye anya janaanaam haanimicchanti eva` hraase hasanti, te ca na paThet ida` pustakam. Vaigyaanikaa: eva` anye yesaa` mastizkaMat-mataantararahitam, te ca paThaneeya` etat pustakam.
VisayaSuci {Bisay ke LisT} [KanTenT / Content]:
1. [InTrodaksan / Introduction:] Samaahuti {Visay Praves:}
2. *** [DayegraemeTik riprezenTesan aof "da Ho~l" /
Diagramatic Representation of “The Whole”]
* Citramaya “Sampoor0Iam”.
** {Citra se Sampooran darshan}
3. *** [rial naolej aend respekT faor aol: DaokTrin aof Vedaaz / Real Knowledge and Respect for All: Doctrine of Vedas]
* Gnaanam, Aadaram Sarvebha: > Vedasya Adhaara:.
** {Asal Gyaan aa Sab ke Aadar: Ved ke Aadhaar}
4. * Veda: Rig, Yaju:, Saam, Atharva
** {Ved: Rig, Yajur, Saam, Atharva}
*** [Vedaaz: rig, Yaju, Saam, Atharva /
Vedas: Rig, Yaju, Sam, Atharva]
5. Saya0IaMaexmularaVicaaraa:
{Saayan aa Maex Mular ke Vicaar}
[Vedaaz: Viuz aof SaayaNa aenD Maex Myular /
Vedas: Views of Sayana and Max Mular]
6. VishezaVaartaa: {Khaas Baat} [Spesal AespekTs aof Vedaaz / Special Aspects of Vedas.]
*** [Daarkness Tu LaaiT: DaokTrin aend JisT aof Vedaaz /
Darkness to Light: :Doctrine and Gist of Vedas]
** {Anhaar se A`jo~r: : Veda Ke Aadhaar aa Saar}
· Tamaso Maa Jyotirgamaya: :VedaAdhara: eva` Saar:
1. [InTroDaksan / Introduction] Samaahuti {Visay Praves}:
*** [LeT as muv Tugedar (faor Samaahuti) "faom Daarness Tuwaards LaaiT", sins
'Truth onli privels' Satyameva Jayate,
SiT with GaoD, aon da laep aof Eeshwar, Brahma /
Let us move together (for Samaahuti) “From Darkness Towards Light”, since
‘Truth Only Prevails’ Satyameva Jayate.
Sit with God, on the lap of I’shara, Brahma (not Brahma, one of the Trinity)
Ø Wi aol aar aon da laep aof Brahma, GaoD. /
We all are on the lap of Brahma, God.
Ø Mek frenDs / Make friends.
Ø Enjoaa laaif baai living faor adars , faor barDs, aenimals, fello men, wimen, faor Maanav > Manav > Man /
Enjoy life by living for others, for birds, animals, fellow men, women, for Manav or Man,
Ø Enjoaa laaif with frenDs, with frenDship with Kreecars /
Enjoy life with friends, with friendship with creatures,
Ø Enjoaa Hol laaif / Enjoy Whole Life.]
** {Aaee`jaa hamni ke aa saath saath calee`jaa "Anhaar se A`jo~r ke o~r", kaahe ki 'Saa`ce ke Jeet holaa'.
Bhagwaane ke saath, Ishwar, Brahma (Brahmaa, Visnu, Mahesh waalaa Brahmaa naa) ke jaanghe pa
@ Hamani ke sab, ta Brahma ke jaanghe pa baani
@ dost banaaee`.
@ Jinagi ke majaa lee`: dusaraa khaatir jee ke, ciraeeyan khaatir, jeeva khaatir, saathian khaatir, Maanav / Man khaatir.
@ Jinagi ke majaa lee`: Jeeva sab se dosti se, dostan ke saath,
@ Pooraa jinagi: Jinagi ke majaa lee`.}
*** [Du naoT bi aefreD aof Laaif aebd Deth, Du naoT sTraaiv faor Mox aor salvesan, Du naoT geT riD aof enjoaaing da biuteez aof da Necar /
Do not be afraid of Life and death, do not strive for Mox or salvation, do not get rid of enjoying the beauties of the Nature,
Ø Du frenDship with Brahma aend da Yunivarsa so aeTraekTiv, beeuTiful aend kalarful!!! /
Do friendship with Brahma and the Universe so attractive, beautiful and colorful!!!]
** {Jeeva aa Maran se Daree` mat, Mox paave khaatir maree` mat, Prakriti ke Sunartaa ke majaa lee`.
@ Ishwar, Brahma aa BrahmaanD se dosti karee` je katanaa sunar aa ra`geen baa. }
*** [Brahma iz Fizikal aend aebstaekT. / Brahma is physical and abstract.
Ø Enjoaa living with Brahma, GaoD, Eeshwar, Allaah, Rab, aend aor with whaatevar ne~m yu me kaol. /
Enjoy living with Brahma, God, I~shwar, Allah, Rub, and or with whatever name you may call.
>> Sex with willing kapla iz plezar aend gooD, biing necural Yunifikesan. /
Sex with willing couple is pleasure and good, being natural Unification.
Ø Yunifikesan with da Necar aend Brahma iz Paramaanand, 'EvarlaasTing EnjoaamenT' aez mosT NecaralisTs, SaainTisTs, Myujisians, Warshipars Du widaauT eni ge~n, parsanal aor adarwaaiz. /
Unification with the Nature and Brahma is Paramanand, ‘everlasting enjoyment’ as most Naturalists, Scientists, Musicians, Worshipers do without any gain, personal or otherwise.
Ø Enjoaa baai Yunifikesan, Tugedarness, frenDship, lav & affeksan. /
Enjoy by Unification, togetherness, friendship, love & affection.]
** {Brahma ta bhautike ha, baakir 'Abstract' maane 'Saedhyaantik'.
@ Brahma, GoD, I~shwar, Allaah, Rab, aa caahe jawanaa naav se rauaa bolee` unke saath rahe ke Majaa lee`.
>> Swecchaa se Kaam me` Majaa aawelaa aa acchaa holaa, praakritik Sa`nyog hokhe ke calate.
@ Brahma aa Prakriti se Milalaa se Paramaanand holaa; jaise ki Prakriti ke upaasak, Vaigyaanik, Sangeetagya, Pujaari log nirlipta bhaav se karele.
@ Sanyojan, Sahyogitaa, dosti, prem aa pyaar ke Majaa lee`.}
*** [A 'Tru Maen' aor "Maanav" iz da van "Hu looks gooD faor aol biings, living aend Nan-living". /
A ‘True Man’ or "Manav' is the one “Who looks good for all beings, living and Non-living”.
Ø S/hi enjoaaz with aol bards & aenimals, plaanTs &Plaenets, maaunTens & rivars, klaauDs & rens. /
S/he enjoys with all birds & animals, plants & Planets, mountens and rivers, clouds and rains.
>> A 'Tru Maen' aor Maanav iz naoT baaunD baai da limiTesans aof relijans. da thaoTs aof Maanav iz waaiD with open viuz, naoT baaunD baai eni limiTesans. /
A ‘True Man’ or Manav is not bound by the limitations of religions. The Thoughts of Manav is Wide with Open views, not bound with any limitations.
Ø Bi a Maanav, a Maen aend lav aol /
Be a Manav, a Man and love all.
Ø Enjoaa da Necar, da Yunivarsa, whic iz so beeutiful !!! /
Enjoy the Nature, the Universe, which is so beautiful !!!
Ø thik ebaauT Vedaaz, "da Tru Necural Trezar aof Naolej" faor gooD aof aol. /
Think about Vedas, “The True Natural Treasure of Knowledge” for Good of all.
da 'ETarnal Naolej' EK / The ‘Eternal Knowledge’ EK,
da 'AlTimeT Naolej' / the ‘Ultimate Knowledge’ UK,
da 'Akwaayard Naolej' aend / the ‘Acquired Knowledge’ AK, and
da 'DeraaivD Naolej' / the ‘Derived Knowledhe’ DK.
Refar da book enTaaiTlDa: “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” baai da Aothar aeT www.scribd.com /
Refer the book entitled: “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” by the Author at www.scribd.com]
** {Asal Maanav aa Man uuhe holaa je "Sab sajeev aa nirjeev ceejan ke bhalaai so`celaa"
@ Uu log ciraee`, jaanwar, peR paudhaa, grah naxatra, nadi pahaaR, badari aa barakhaa ke saath Majaa karele.
>> Ego asal Maanav, Man Mat-mataantar ke gheraa me` naa banhal rahe. Maanav, aadmi ke vicaar unmukta aa vishaal holaa, kawano sankirnataa se banhal naa.
@ Maanav, Man, Aadmi banee` aa sab se prem karee`.
@ Prakriti aa BrahmaanD ke majaa lee` je katanaa sunar baa!!!
@ Sab ke bhalaai khaatir Ved paD*ee`, je "Asal Praakritik Gyaan ke BhanDaar ha"; jaise EK: Sadaabahaar Gyaan,
UK: CoTi ke Gyaan,
AK: Guru Gyaan aa
DK: Khoj aa Anusandhaan pa aadhaarit Gyaan.
dekhee` kitaab "Knowledge Beyond Nano pico Technology" www.scribd.com pa}
>> [Eni van Teecing aor Preecing naeroness, haarming aend killing adars, spreDing heTreD, aor iven kampeeTing with raaivalri faor winning faor da se~k aof peTTi ge~ns iz naoT da besik Necar aor KaerekTar aof a Maen aor Maanav. /
Any one Teaching or Preaching narrowness, harming and killing others, spreading hatred, or even competing with rivalry for winning for the sake of petty gains is not the basic Nature or Character of a Man or Manav.]
Ø [Nevar haarm aor kill eni van, naoT even aen aenimal, paarTikularli, faor enjoaamenT, aez dis iz naoT da kaerekTar aof a Maanav aor Maen. Onli a 'daanav' aend a 'Devil' Deraaiv plezar in killing aor haarming adars. /
Never harm or kill any one, not even an animal, particularly for enjoyment, as this is not the character of a Manav or Man. Only a Danav and a Raxas derive pleasure in killing or harming others.]
>> {Je kehoo Mat-mataantar ke sankeernataa ke pracaar kare, dusaraa ke haani kare aa muaawe, dusmani ke pracaar kare, aa kawano laabh khaatir dusaraa se spardhaa kare, haaraa hosi lagaawe okar svabhaav Maanav aa Man jaisan naa hokhe.
@ Kabahee` kehu ke naa ta maaree` caahe haani pahu`caaee`, kaahe ki ee sab Maanav aa Man ke laxan naa ha. Khaali daanav aa raaxasan ke dusaraa ke muaave aa haani kare me` Majaa aawelaa.}
>> [ Bi keyarful, deyar aar sam relijans aend grups spreDing heTreD aend Traaing Tu impoz deyar o~n vius aon aol. de kaen haarm adars aend Deraaiv momenTari plezar aez well. dis iz naoT Satyug (Refar da book "Kaliyug me` Satyug", da "Eraa aof Trurh in da Blaek Eraa" baai da Aothar. EraaunD yu, yu me faainD meni Singhs, talawaars, Waasps, ..., in ke~s de aar riyalli so, bi keyarful. /
Be careful, there are some religions and groups spreading hatred and trying to impose their own views on all. They can harm others and derive momentary pleasure as well. This is not Satyug (Refer the Book “Kalyug me` Satyug”, the ‘Era of Truth in Blaek Era”). Around you, you may find many Singhs, Talwaars, wasps …., in case they are really so, be careful.
Ø Aol SaainTisTs aend adars anbaayaasD baai relijans aar da styuDenTs aof Vedaaz e.g. Swaami dayaananda Sarawati, Aacaarya Pt. Ambikaa datta Sharmaa, Satyendra Naath Bo~s, APJ Abdul Kalaam, Dr Pt. Raamkaran Sharmaa aend da laaik. /
All Scientists unbiased by a religion are the students of Vedas. e.g. Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Acharya Pandit Ambika Datta Sharma, Satyendra Nath Bose, APJ Abdul Kalam, Dr Pt Ramkaran Sharma and the like. ]
>> {Saawadhaan, kuch Mat, 'religion' aa samooh baaRe sa je nafrat ke pracaar karele aa aapane vicaar ke logan pa thope ke caahele. Ee log dusaraake haanio ka ke majaa lebele. Ee kawano Satyug (dekhee` Lekhak ke Kitaab: “Kalyug me` Satyug” www.google.com pa), Apanaa aas paRos me` rauaa kawano Singh, Talwar, HaDDaa .... mil sake le, jadi uu baastav me` uuhe hokhas ta saawadhaan rahe ke caahee`.
@ Sab Vaigyaanik je Mat-mataantar se baadhit naa hokhas, Ved ke Vidyaarthi hokhelan (Ud. Swaami Dayaanand Saraswati, Aacaarya PanDit Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa, Satyendra Naath Bo~s), APJ Abdul Kalaam, Dr Pt Raamkaran Sharmaa aa aisanke log.}
Ø [KwaaiT afen a sTyuDenT aof Vedaaz rime~n ignaorenT iven aafTar enaormas sTaDeez ( rishi SaayaN, Mr Maex Myular, meni adars PanDits aof Mithilaa, Bangaal, ...) aoldo de lebarD haarD, baT in da aebsens aof a praopar Aacaarya Guru, da haarD lebar aend sTaDeez baai dem rime~nD miningless. /
Quite often a student of Vedas remains ignorant even after enormous studies (e.g. Rishi Sayana, Mr Max Mueller, many other Pundits of Mithila), although they labored hard; but in the absence of a proper Guru and Acharya, the hard labor and studies by Rishi Saayana, Mr Max Mueller and others remained meaningless.]
@ {Kabahee` kabahee` Ved ke vidyaarthi khoob paD*alo ke baad, agyaanie rahelan ( jaise Risi Saayan, Max Mular Saahab aa Mithilaa ke dher PanDit.), jadapi ee log khoob mehnat kaile; baakir sahi Guru aa Aacaarya ke binaa inkar kathin parishram bekaar ho gail.}
Ø [There is nothing like ‘Polytheism’ once the difference between Brahma (pronounce: Brahma, not Brahmaa the latter being one of the Trinity: Brahmaa, Vishnu and Mahesh) or I~shwar; and ‘Devata, Deva and Devi, gods (with small ‘g’) ... ’.]
@ {'Anek Bhagwaan' jaisan kuchuo naa hokhe, jadi Brahma (Brahmaa naa), I~shwar; aa 'Devataa, Deva, Devi, gods ... ’ aadi me` log antar samajhe.}
Ø [Brahma, God or I’shwar is Only one; but this is quite different from Brahmaa, Devatas, Deva, or gods (small ‘g’ is used for these since there is no suitable other word, to distinguish it from One Brahma or God)
Ø The Concept of Devata, Deva, Devi or god and goddesses is unique for establishing goodness between all beings, living or non-living.]
@ {Brahma, God, caahe I~shwar eke ha; baakir ee Brahmaa, Devataa, Deva, Devi aa gods se ekdam alage baa.
@ Devataa, Deva, Devi caahe gods ke roop vicitra baa je se sab ceejan me` acchaai holaa caahe uu sajeev hokhe aa nirjeev.}
Ø [EkaorDing Tu Vedaaz / According to Vedas:
(a) "Brahma iz onli van, parfektli fizikal baT aebstraekT: whic iz Taamless, She~pless, aend infaainaaiTeli smaal; whearaez /
“Brahma is only one, perfectly physical but abstract”: which is timeless, shapeless and infinitely small; whereas
(b) "Everi thing eraaunD as in da Yunivarsa, aen aenT, a sTo~n, a PlaeneT, a graas, a shrab, a Tree, a fish, iven a maaikrob aor whaaTevar wi think aor Du naoT think baT daeT exisTs aar no~n aez 'dvataa', 'Deva', gods (maeskulin), Devi aor goddesses (feminin) with respekT aend rigaarD. /
“Everything around us in the Universe, an ant, a stone, a plant, a Planet, a grass, a shrub, a tree, a fish, even a microbe or whatever we think, or do not think but that exists are known as Devata, Deva, gods (masculine), Devis or goddesses (feminine) with respect and regard.
(c) da ebav kansepT aof Vedaaz, le~z da faaunDesan aof KammyuniTi aor Sosal Living, Sosalism. da ho~l aof rigveda iz full aof Mantraaz with da respekTiv Devataa, aend eec Mantra iz nathing baT stuti, preyar, aor Diskripsans aof da respekTiv devataa laaik Agni, (Faayar GaoD), Varu0Ia (Krimsan kalarD rez aof da raaizing San), Indra (da Taop ruling re~n GaoD) aend so aon. /
The above concept of Vedas, lays the Foundation of respecting all and lays the foundation of Community or Social Living, and Socialism. The whole of Rigveda is full of Mantras with the respective Devata, and each Mantra is nothing but Stuti, prayer or description of the respective Devata like Agni (Fire god), Varun (Crimson colored Rays of rising Son), Indra (the Top Ruling Rain god) and so on.
da ebav sTeTmenT aof Vedaaz kansisTs aof da besiks aof 'Sanaatan dharma aof Maanav' aor "da Ej olD Wez aof living aof a Maen". das, dis is da faaunDesan aof Vaidik dharma faor aol MaenkaainD. /
The above statements of Vedas constitute the basics of ‘Sanaatan Dharm of Manav' or “The Age old Ways of living of a Man”. Thus, this is the Foundation of Vaidic or Vedic Dharma for all mankind.
@ {Ved ke anusaar:
(a) "Brahma eke go holaa, pakkaa bhautik baakir saiddhaantik": je Akaal, Niraakaar, aa Anant roop se choT holaa; jabki
(b) "BrahmaanD me` hamani ke caaro o~r, ego cuTi, patthar, paudhaa, Grah, ghaas, jhaaRee, gaach, machaRee, eehaa` tak ki ego baekTeriaa caahe kawano ceej so`cee`, caahe naa so`cee`, baakir je hokhe okaraa ke Devataa, Deva, gods, Devi kahal jaalaa, aadar se.
(c) Ved ke eehe vicaar se logan me` sab ke aadar debe ke bhaavanaa ke janam karelaa, aa Saamaajik jeevan, Samaajvaad ke janam delaa. Pooraa Rigved Agni, Varun, Indra, Soorya ... aadi Devataa ke varnan, aa stuti se bharal baa.
Ved ke eehe sab baat "Maanav ke Sanaatan Dharma" ke aadhaar ha. Ehee se ee sab Maanav / Man ke "Vedik Dharma" ke Aadhaar ha.}
Ø [Many people worship their mother, father, Guru, and other elders. What is wrong in this? “Matri Devobhava, Pitri Devobhava, Gururdevobhava”, Upanishads say. Here one may mark the language of Upanishad, nothing is imposed as they say, “Let the mother be the god, let the father be the god and let the Guru be the god”.]
@ {Sanaatanaarya log aapan Maai, Baabu ji, Guru aa dusar baR logan ke poojaa karelan. Eh me` kaa haraj baa? Ehee se Upanishado kahelaa: “Matri Devobhava, Pitri Devobhava, Gururdevobhava” , dekhee` Upnisad ke bhaasaa: "Maai devi hoe, Pitaa deva hokhas aa Guru deva hokhas" }
Ø [“Charity starts from home”, thus in case one is to be a social creature, s/he should take blessings from mother, father and Guru. After all as observed physically and directly one’s existence is due to her/his father and mother; and development is due to Guru. One may consider this, as the infusion of Socialism in the person.]
@ {"Ghare se daan suru holaa" A`greji ke kahaaut se, ehee se jadi kehuke saamaajik hokhe ke hokhe ta uu aapan Maai, Baabu ji, aa Guru se aashirvaad le unkar sewaa ka ke. Aakhir logan ke asyitve Maataa - Ptaa ke calate holaa, aa unnati Guru ke calate. Ekare ke kuch log Samaajvaad ke Shriganesh kah sakelan.}
>> [Only those cannot be considered Manav, Man, what to talk about Devata, Deva, god, Devi or goddess; who derive pleasure in harming or killing others.
Ø Thus, Vedas or “Sanaatan Dharma of Man” never considers ‘Polytheism’, but they respectfully call all beings living beings (mother, father and Guru; the Earth, the Sun, the Tree etc.) or non-living beings (stone, mountain, cloud, rays etc.) as Devata, Deva, Devi or gods.]
>> {Okare ke Maanav / Man naa kahal jaa sake; Devataa, Deva, god, aa Devi ke kaa kahal jaay; je dusraa ke muaa ke aa maar ke khush holaa.
@ Ehee se, Ved caahe "Maanav ke Sanaatan Dharm", 'Anek Bhagwaan' naa maane; baakir aadar debe khaatir sab sajeev (maataa, pitaa, Guru, Prithvi, Suraj, Pe~R aadi) aa nirjeev (patthaR, pahaaR, baadal, kiran aadi) ceejan ke; Devataa, Deva, Devi, caahe gods.}
Ø [This ‘Concept of treating everybody including oneself as god or Deva/Devi’ is the first step of Communism.
Ø Humanism is the basis of Communism, considering all men equal irrespective of their Sex, Cast, Color, Creed, Origin etc.
Ø Humanism is the First Step of “Sanaatan Dharma” or Hinduism as many call it, as the latter respects all being equally (including non-living beings).]
@ {Ee so`cal ki sab log Devi / Devataa ha, Saamyavaad ke Aadhaar ha.
@ Maanavataa Saamyavaad ke aadhaar ha: je sab logan ke samaan maanelaa binaa Shtree / Purush, Jaati, rang, Gotra, Utpatti aadi ke bhed bhaav ke.}
Ø [Thus, Socialism or Communism is the First Stage of Hinduism or Vedic Culture. (Ref. “Kalyug me` Satug”, By the Author.)
@ {Ehee se, Samaajvaad aa Saamyavaad ke pahilaa SeeD*ee Hinuism caahe 'Vedik Sanskriti' ha. (Dekhee` Lekhak ke kitaab: “Kalyug me` Satug” www.plusgoogle.com pa.)}
Ø [‘Sanaatan Dharma’, ‘The Age Old Way of Living of Man’ includes all, goes together with all, as its Doctrine is “Sangachhadhvam Sambadadhvam Sannomanah Shivasankalpahmastu”, “Let us go Together, Bound Together, Together heart to heart determined for Good of all”. Isn’t this the Doctrine of Socialism?
Ø ‘Sanaatan Dharma’ is the other name of 'Socialism' and 'Vaidik Dharm' as 'Communism'.]
@ {'Sanaatan Dharm' sab ke saath le ke calelaa. "Calal jaav aapas me ba`nhal, dil se dil milaa ke sab ke bhalaai khaatir". Kaa ee 'Samaajvaad' ke aadhaar naa ha?
@ 'Sanaatan Dharma’: Samaajvaad ke dusar naav ha; aa 'Vaidik Dharm' Saamyavaad ke. }
Ø [Now we go to the "Abstract Knowledge" part inherent in Vedas in addition to the 'Social aspect as briefed above'.
Let us look at "the Whole".]
@ {Ab hamnike Ved ke "Saiddhantik Gyaan" waalaa bhaag ke dekhab jaa; uupar ke Saamaajik bhaag ke baad.
Pahile 'Sampoorn' ke darshan.}
*** ["The Whole"] ** {Sampoorn} * SmpoorI0am
[This is the diagrammatic representation of "the Whole", consisting of:]
{Eehe ha Sampoorn ke roop, je me`:} Idamev Sampoor0Iam, yatra:
1. Uparyaa0IDam => IHLOKA: {Upari AnD => IHLOK} [Top Loab =>IHLOC]
2. Nimnaa0Idam => ITARLOKA: {Neece ke AnD => ITARLOK} [Bottom Loab => ITARLOC]
3. Anyatra Sarvatra Raama: Kaali ca {Baaki sagaro Raam aa Kaali} [Rest everywhere Ram and Darkness]
Idameva Sampoor0IaGnaanam. {Eehe ha Sampoorn Gyaan} [This is the Knowledge of 'the Whole']
[The Twin LOCAS ( pronounce: Loks) also depict “Dwait Vad” of ‘Sanatan Dharma' or 'Vaidic Dharma’ as said by Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma and the “Ying Yang” Theory of Buddhism, or Dualism.]
{Uupar ke dui Lok se: 'Sanaatan Dharm' aa 'Vaidik Dharma' ke "Dwait Vaad" pataa calelaa Aacaarya Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa ke anusaar, aa Buddh-darshan ke anusaar "Ying Yaang" Siddhaant ha.}
Dwe Lokau "Dwait Vaad" soocakau Aachaarya Pt Ambikaa Datta Shamaanusaare0Ia, eva` "Ying-Yaang" soocaka: Bauddha-darshanaanusaare0Ia.
[There are many Locas (pronounce: Loks) within the above Twin Ihloc and Itarloc. The whole Universe as found by 20th and early 21st Century Science is within IHALOC consisting of billions of Galaxies.
ITARLOC is similar to IHALOC but made of Anti-matters. This is Vaidic Knowledge.]
{Uupar ke IHLOK aa ITARLOK me` anek Lok baaRe sa. Pooraa '20-vee` aa 21=vee` Sataabdi ke Vigyaan ke Universe Arabo Nihaarikaa aadi' IHLOKe me` baa, je sab 'matter' se banal baa.
ITARLOK ta IHLOKe jaisan baa baakir 'Anti-matter' se banal baa. Ee Vaidik Gyaan ha.}
Uparyukta IHLOKe ITARLOKe anekaa: Lokaa: santi. Sampoor0Ia '9100 - ShataabdiVarzasya AadhunikaVignaanasya sarve G Lokaa: maatra IHLOKe santi.
ITARLOKa: ca IHLOKamiv, parantu Vipareet-tatvena nirmitaam.
[There can be many such Twins in “the Whole” and the ‘Space’, Antarix in which they move is one, and full of various kinds of Rays (Ram) moving as EM Waves with constant velocity. This is called “Ram Nam Satya Hai” as this velocity of Rays are Unchangeable in the Space.]
{Pooraa Brahmaand me` Arabo IHLOK-ITRARLOK baaRe sa. Antarix me` baaki khaali jagah me` Kaalie aa Raame Raam je axun gati se calate rahelaa, ekare ke log “Raam Naam Satya ha”; jab ee ruk jaalaa, ta ee LOK ban jaalaa.}
Sampoor0Ie Brahmaa0IDe antarixe Arabaa: IHLOKA-ITARLOKaa: santi. Antarixe KaaliMaa tathaa sarvatra anekaprakaaraKira0Iaa: ca axu0IaGatyaa ramanti. Ataeva janaa: “Raam Naam Satyam” kathayanti.
[Thus, when a person depicts ‘Oo…m’ at the start of a Text, it reminds the person about “the Whole” and reminds “To look good to all beings, living and non-living”.
‘Oo…m’ is also pronounced before start of reading Vedas, or before start of any Mantra, starting any good thing, activity or process.]
{Ehee se jadi kehu 0o...m kuchuo likhe ke pahile likhelaa, ta okaraa saamane 'Sampoorn' ke yaad aa jaalaa, aa Sab ceejan ke kalyaano ke so`c aawelaa.
Ved paD*e se pahile log 0o...m kahelaa, auru kawano Mantra, aa acchaa kaam aadi kare se pahile se pahile.}
Ataeva yadaa ko~pi 0o...m pradarshayati jekhan poorve, tena sa: /saa 'Sampoor0Ia' darsham karoti, tathaa "SarveBhootaKalyaa0Iam cintayati" ca.
2. Diagrammatic Representation of “The Whole”
Diagrammatic Representation of “The Whole”
[This is the diagrammatic representation of "the Whole", consisting of:]
{Eehe ha Sampoorn ke roop, je me`:} Idamev Sampoor0Iam, yatra:
[The First Lesson of Veda is The First Axar or Akshar of “Devanagari Script”: , 0o...m which is the Diagrammatic Representation or the Model of “The Whole”.]
{Devanaagari Lipi ke pahile Axar , 0o...m
‘Sampoorn’ ke Pratiroop ha. }
DevanaagariLipiPrathamam Axaram , 0o...m
‘Sampoor0Ia’-sya Pratiroopam.
[Being on the lap of the Earth, it is quite difficult to conceive the shape, size and many other nature of the Earth. Once we go out of the Lap (thanks to modern man made Satellites), the Earth clearly looks a lovely almost round as a Sphere greenish-blue in color and small in size from outer space.]
{Prithvi ke godi me` baiTha ke, okar aakaar, vishaalataa, aa dusar guna ke samajhal doobhar baa. Godi se bahari gailaa ke baad (Sputnik ke kirpaa se), Prithvi saaf saaf ego neel-hariar sunar golaa dikhelaa antarix se.}
PrithviAnke sthitvaa, tasyaam aakaaraVishaalataa tathaa anya gu0Iaan gnanam duskaram. PrithviAnkaat vahi: antarixe gatvaa, tasyaa: aakaara: vishaalataa eva` anya gu0Iasya gnaanam saralam. PrithviAnkaat vahi: antarixe gatvaa (Aadhunika Sputnike), saa neel-harit golaakaaraLokamiv drizyate.
[However, being on the earth, one can conceive it, only with the help of a ‘Model of Globe’; although the ‘Model of the Earth” as a ‘Globe with the maps on it’ should not be confused as the real Earth.]
{Tabahu` Prithvie pa rah ke, ekar andaaj kehu lagaa sakelaa ‘Prithvi ke Go~l Pratiroop’ se, baakir ehee Pratiroop ke Prithvi maanal, bhraantie maanal jaai.}
Tadaapi Prithivyaam sthitvaa, tasyaa aakaara-roopaanumaana: kartum shaknoti ‘PrithviGo~laPratiroop’-e0Ia. Tathaapi GolaPratiroopam Prithvi na bhavizyati kadaapi.
[The same way, the ancestors of Manav or Man have developed as EK, the Eternal Knowledge utilizing the technique of “Tuning Mind with The Nature” and preserved in Vedas as a “Model of ‘The Whole’”, and called the same as ‘Akshar or Axar’, which means Unchangeable One; all other beings or things are Changeable or Perishable.]
{Ehee tarah, Maanav ke poorvaj log EK, Avinaashi Gyaan ke koj kaile ‘Yoga’ se; aa Ved me` suraxit rakhlan ke roop me`, jekaraa ke uu ‘Axar” kahlan, je avinaashee holaa, baaki sab ceej holaa binaasi.}
Tathaiva, MaanavaPoorvajaa: “YogaVidyayaa”gnyaatam EK, SatyaGnaanam, tathaa AxaraPratiroope0Ia ‘Sampoor0Iam’ pratipaaditvanta:, ya: na kadaapi vinashyati, iti. Anye sarve vinashyanti.
[The one who knows ‘the First Axar’ of the Devanaagari Script in its correct form, s/he at least is aware of the Model. This Model is described in sufficient details First time in the book entitled “Knowledge Beyoand nano pico Technology” by the Author.]
{Uu je Devanaagari Lipi ke Pahilaa Axar asal roop me` jaanelaa, uu kam se kam ‘Sampoorn’ ke Pratiroop ta jaanelaa. Eh Pratiroop ke pahile pahile Lekhak ke Kitaab: “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” me` kaafi acchaa se varnan kail gail baa.}
Ya: jaanaati DevanaagariPratham Axaram, sa: saa jaanaati ‘Sampoor0Iasya’ Pratiroopam. YathesTha roope0ia var0Iitametat Pratiroopam Lekhakasya “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” naamni pustake.
[The First Axar of the Devanagari Script or the “Model of ‘the Whole’” is produced below as observed during 1945-47 by the Author in a hand written version of Rigveda in the “House of Vedas and Ayurveda”
{Devanaagari Lipi ke Pahilaa Axar, ‘Sampoorn’ ke Pratiroop je Lekhak “Ved aa Aayrved ke Ghar” me` 1 972 949 045-47 me` haa`th ke likhal Rigved me` dekhalan okaraa ke neece dikhaawal jaataa:
Devanaagari Lipyaam “Prathamam Axaram yat Lekhaka: 1 972 949 045-47 Varze hastaLikhit Rigvede “VedaAyurveda Grihe” ‘Swampoor0IaPratiroop’-e apashyat, tat nimne prastuta:
[Brief Description of the “Akshar or The Whole”] {Sachep me` Axar ke barnan} Saxipte AxaraVar0Ianam
1. The top elliptical part of “The Whole” is really an Ellipsoid or Anda i.e. Egg shaped representing IHLOC part of ‘Brahmaand’ made of matter.
IHLOC = The part of the Egg Shaped Universe in which we live.
2. The bottom ellipsoid or Anda or Egg Shape represents ITERLOC part of ‘Brahmaand’ made of Anti-matter, which is similar to IHLOC. A LOC is the Localized form of the Rays [or Ram pronounce:Raama or EM Waves moving at about 3 Lakh km/s. this is the real Ram since Ramate’ti Raamah, the one keeps on moving is Raama].
3. The Front and back wavy part represents various types of Rays [Raama] travelling as EM Waves in the Space or Antarix. The whole Space is Kaali Devi, dark. Raama, the Ray also is dark.
4. “The Whole” is made up of Brahma [not Brahmaa of the Trinity: Brahmaa, Vishnu, and Mahesh or Shiva, the Conceptual gods. Brahma is depicted as a dot ‘.’ , which is conceptualized by Ananta or Infinity. Sanaatani also know him as ‘Ananta Bhagawaan’.
5. In this Devanaagari Script the Model of ‘the Whole’ can best be written as ‘Oo…m’. and can be depicted by pronouncing a long sound of ‘O’ with full open mouth in Oval Shape (representing the Shape of the Universe), gradually closing the mouth and at the end fully closing the mouth and the sound when top and bottom lips get shut. “Here the top lip represents the IHALOC, the bottom one represents ITARLOC. The Vibrating sound represents the Waves and ‘m’ represents Brahma or God.
6. For further details one may go to the book: “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” by the Auteor; to find how Brahma is called “Brahma”, how God is called God, or I’shwar, or Allah, or Rub …
One may go to “Brahma” [not Brahmaa] on www.googleplus.com for some details.
3. [Respect for All: Doctrine of Vedas] {Sab ke aadar: Ved ke Aadhaar} Aadaram Sarvezaam: Vedasya Siddhaantam.
[The Doctrine of ‘Sanaatan Dharma’ or ‘Vaidic Dharma’ or “Sanaatanaarya” as called by Acharya Pandit Ambika Datta Sharma is:]
{Aacaarya Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa ke anusaar “Sanaatan Dharm”, “Vedik Dharam” aa “Sanaatanaarya” ke Siddhaanta ha:}
Aacaarya Pt Ambikaa Datta SharmaAnusaare0Ia “Sanaatan Dharm”, “Vedik Dharam” eva` “Sanaatanaarya”-sya Siddhaantam:
(a) Vishtrit Gnaanam, Mat-mataantaraSankeer0Iataapare.
{Vistrit Gyaan, Mat-mataantar ke sankeernataa se door.} [Wide Knowledge – free from religious narroness.
(b) Sarvezaam aadaram. {Sab ke aadar} [Respect for All]
(c) Sarvezaam kalyaa0Iam cintanam {Sab ke bhalaai so`cal.}
[To look good for all beings, living or non-living.]
(d) Sarvezaam aadare0Ia Devataa, Deva / Devi kathanam
{Sab ceejan ke Aadar se Devataa, Deva / Devi, gods / goddesses.} [To consider all beings respectfully as Devata, Deva/Devi, gods/ goddesses.]
(e) Brahma, Akshar, Axar ekameva {Brahma, Akshar aa Axar, Ishwar, GoD, Allah, Rab aadi eke ha; khaali naave alag alag baa.} [Brahma, Akshar or Axar, I’shwar, God, Allah, Rub etc is the only one having different names which are synonymous.]
[The above five Doctrines of Vedas are inherent in ‘Gayatri Mantra’ of Vedas as follows:
“Oo…m Bhurbhuvah Svah, Tatsaviturvarenyam,
Bhargodevasya Dhimahi, Dhiyoyonah Prachodayat”.] {Ved ke Uupar ke 5 Siddhaant ‘Gaayatri Mantra’ me` sannihit baa.}
[This very simplistically means:
‘Oo…m, the Earth, the Antarix and the self which is concievable to Savita, which (Rays or Ram) goes (moves) into the Space as conceived by Deva; be infused in our mind.
Here ‘Deva’ simply means learned persons, or beings, but may include a Guru or any knowledgeable person as well.]
{Saral bhaasaa me` ekar maane bhail:
‘0o...m, Prithvi, Aakaash aa hamjekaraa ke Savitaa samhajeli, je (Kiran caahe Raam) aashmaan me` calelaa jaisan ki Devataa log jaanelan, hamanio ke maathaa me` ghuse.
Ihaa` Devataa ke maane baa Pandit log, vidvaan, caahe kawano ceej, baakir ee Guruo caahe kawano Gyaani ho sakelaa.}
[The Pundits have stated the “Gayatri Mantra” in more simplified manner as follows] {“Gaayatri Mantra ke PanDit log baRaa saral roop me` kahale baaRan}:
“ Oo…m Ramogati Dehu Sumati”
[This means:
Oo…m Ram is Gati or velocity only, (O Ram) please infuse in me/us goodness.]
)o..m Raam gatie ha, (He Raam) Hamni me` acchaai bhar dee`.}
[Thus we find, the above basically consists of two parts, namely:
Imparting Abstract Knowledge in common man by:
Introduction of Oo…m, and stating
Ram is Velocity (not the eldest son of King Dashrath);
Infusing Social Aspect in common man by:
Willing to have Good virtues.]
{Eh se hamni ke pataa calataa, ekaraa me` 2 bhaag baa:
Aam aadmi me` Saiddhaantik baat samajhaawal:
0o..m se, aa “Raam Gatie ha” kahal (naa ki Raajaa Dashrat ke baR beTaa.)};
Aam aadmi me` Saamaajik gyaan del ee kah ke ki:
Sab ke bhalaai so`cal.}
[Once the above two aspects are infused in a person, s/he gets completely submerged in getting ‘Abstract Knowledge’ and finds ways and means “To do Good for all beings, living or non-living” as her/his Social Wish.]
{Jaisahee` uupar ke 2 baat kehu ke jehan me` samaa jaai, uu har tarah se ‘Saiddhaantik Gyaan’ samajhe laagi, aa uu tareekaa ke pataa lagaai je se “Sab ke bhalaai ho sake, caahe uu sajeev hokhe aa nirjeev” ee bhail unkar Saamaajik Caah.}
[Exceptions]: {Apavaad}:
· [The only exception to the above are those who like to knowingly harm others,
· Who do not think good for others and think mainly for themselves,
· Who do not respect others, including parents and elders,
· Who derive pleasure in destroying a non-living being or thing, beating and killing others, winning over others either in a war, fight, or a competition,
· Who raise fight or war for their own gains,
Such persons better need not read or study Vedas.]
{Uupar ke uuhe apavaad baa, je kehu ke jaan- boojh ke haani kare.
Je dusraa ke bhalaai naa so`ce, khaali apanbe baare me` so`ce,
Je dusraa ke aadar naa kare, caahe uu maai aa baape hokhas, caahe baRa log,
Jekaraa kawano nirjeev ke tuRe me` Majaa aawe, aa dusar ke maare aa muaawe me,
Dusaraa pa jeet Yuddha caahe laRaai me` aapan faaedaa khaatir.
Aisan logan ke Ved naa paD8e ke caahee`.}
4. Veda {Ved} [Vedas]: Rig, Yaju, Saam, Atharva
> Rigveda, Yajurveda, Saamveda, Atharvaveda
{Rigved, Yajurved, Saamved, Atharvaved}
[Rigved, Yajurved, Samved, Atharvaved]
Etat Kha0Idam pradarshayati:- {Eh Khand se pataa cali:} [This Chapter deals to know]:
Ø Ki` Veda:? {Vad kaa ha} [‘What is Veda?’
Ø Ke lekhitawanta:, kathitwanta:, nirmitwanta: Veda:?
{Ved ke ke likhale baa, ke bolaale, aa ke banawle baa?}
[Who has written, spoken or created Veda?]
Ø Veda ekameva. {Sab ved eke ha} [Veda is a ‘Single Entity of Knowledge’]
Tathaapi Rishi Vedavyaasa: Sampaaditam VedaMantraan 4 Samoohe yathaa nyune:
{Tabahuo Rishi Vedavyaas Ved Mantran ke Sampaadan ka ke 4 Ved banaa delan; saxep me` jekaraa ke kahal jaalaa:}
[However, Rishi Vedavyas Edited ‘Veda Mantras’ and collected in four groups, namely:
In short]:
Rigveda: > Mantraa: > Saiddhantik Gnanam
Yajurveda: > Yantraa: > Vyavahaararikam Gnaanam
Atharva Veda: > Tantraa: > Sancaalan Pra0Iaali, tanturahit Sancaalanam, doordarshanam
Saama Veda: > Geetamaya Mantraa:
{Rigved > Mantra > Siddhaant waalaa Gyaan
Yajurved > Vyavahaarik Gyaan
Atharva Ved > Tantra Gyaan, > Betaar ke Kantrol Pranaali, Radio, TV, Mobaail aadi
Saam Ved > Gawanai waalaa Mantra}
[Rigveda > Mantras > Abstract Knowledge
Yajurveda > Yantras > Practical Knowledge
Atharva Veda > Tantras > Knowledge of Control Systems including wireless
Saam Veda > Musical Mantras]
(a) Rigveda: ‘MantraSangraha: yatra sarve DeveeDevesu Gu0Iagaanaan, eva` Stuti santi’.
{Rigved: ‘Mantran ke samooh’ je me` Ceejan yaani Devataa aa Devi ke varnan, gungaan aa stuti.}
[Rigveda: ‘The Collection of Mantras’ which are Stuties, prays, Prayers, and Descriptions of Properties or Virtues of Devatas.]
(b) Yajurveda: ‘MantraSangraha: yatra vyavahaarikGnaanaan, Karmakaa0IdaVidhi santi’.
{Yajurved: ‘Mantran ke samooh’ je me` KarmakaanD ke vidhi ke gyaan baaResa.}
[Yajurveda: ‘The Collection of Mantras describing practical aspects, or Processes called Karmakaanda’.]
Rigvedasya Mantrasya saiddhaantik artham kara0Ieeyam, tathaa Yajurvedeeya Mantrasya vyavahaarik artham.
{Je mantra Rigved aa Yajurved duno me` baa, okar eke maane naahio ho hokhe. Rigved ke mantra ke saidhaantik maane kail jaalaa, jabki Yajurved ke mantran ke maane jaadaa vyavahaarik pax holaa.}
[The Mantras common to both Rigveda and Yajurveda may have different meaning; The Rigvedeeya meaning will provide more abstract knowledge, whereas the Yajurvedeeya meaning may provide meaning that is more practical.]
(c) SaamVeda: Atra te Mantraa:, ye Geeta roope0Ia geeyante.
{Saam Ved: Gaawe jaaye laayak Mantran ke Sangrah ha.}
[Sama Veda: is the collection of Mantras which can be sung.]
(d) Atharva Veda: Atra vibhinna Tantraa, tantubiheen Pra0Iaali, Ga0Iitam, Jyaamitee, Sanga0IanVidyaa, Jyotiza, Yoga aadi santi.
{Atharva Ved: Eehaa` Tantra yaani betaar tantu, Ganit, Rekhaa Ganit, Beejganit, Kaelkulas, aa tarah tarah ke Vaigyaanik gyaan jaise Jyotis, Yoga aadi baaRe sa.}
[Atharva Veda: Includes all types of Tantras (like Electronics. Wireless etc, ‘Tuning Mind with the Nature’)].
Ø Ke nirmitam Veda:? Iti vrit prasnam.
{Ved ke. ke banawale? Ee ego baRhan prashna baa.}
[Who Created the ‘Veda Mantra? This is a Prime Question.]
Ø Ki` Rishi Vedavyaasam nirmitam Vedam?
{Kaa Rishi Vedavyaas, Ved banawalan.}
[Has Rishi Vedavyaas Created the Vedaas?]
Ø Athavaa Mantra sah yasya Rishinaam likhitam, sa: eva tasya Mantrasy nirmaataa, iti.
{Aa ki Ved ke har mantra ke saath jawanaa Rishi ke naav baa, uuhe oh Mantra ke banawalan.}
[Or are the Rishi named after each Mantra, is the Creater of the Mantra?]
Ø Karmakaa0Idam kim? {KarmakaanDa kaa ha?} [What is Karmkanda?]
Ø Tantra` kim? {Tantra ke kaa maane?} {What is the significance of Tantras?}
Ø Ki` Sampaaditam, Prakaashitam aapa0Ie praapya Veda: sampoorna:?
{Kaa Sampaadit aa Prakaashit Ved sampoorna ha?}
[Is the Edited, Published and available Veda Complete?]
Ete kecan aadhaarbhoot prashnaan Vedopari.
{Eehe sab Ved ke baare me` kuch asal prashna baaResa.}
[These are some prime questions related to Vedas.
Etaan prashnaan ‘VedaAyurvadaGrihaat’ Da Pt Deva Datta Sharmaa uttaritam yadaa kadaa Yoga prayogena.
{Eh sabhan ke uttar Da Pt Deva Datta Sharmaa, Lekhak je “Ved aa Aayurved ke Ghar’ ke hawan, jekar pataa Yogo se kail gail baa kabahu` kabahu`.}
[The answers of these are produced by Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma, the Author coming from “The House of Vedas and Ayurveda”, which are often derived by using “The Technique of Tuning the Mind with the Nature”.]
Sambhavata: Yogen Rishibhi Vedamantraan Praaptwaan yat AvinaashiGnaan EK, SarvoccaGnaanaan UK praaptawanta:; yen tena gyaataa yat 1 972 949 116 VarzaPoorvam Prathamam Jeevamabhavat, iti.
{Laagataa ehee Yog Taknik se Rishio log Ved Mantran ke pawle hoihe` Avinaashee Gyaan EK, Sab ke Uupar ke Gyaan UK aadi; je se uu log Pataalagawlan ki aaj se 1 972 949 116 Baris pahile (Aaj 2016 Isawee se pahile) Pahilaa Jeev ke Prithvi pa janam bhail.}
[Possibly the same Technique was used by Rishies to get many Mantras providing the ‘Eternal Knowledge’, EK; and becomes Ultimate Knowledge, UK like Khristyaabda: 2000 AD corresponds to Srishtyaabda: 1 972 949 100 Published Rigveda Sanhita.]
Ø >> Sarve EK, UK eva` DK Mantra Samoohaan ‘Veda’ iti kathyate.
EK – Avinaashi Gnaan
UK = Sarvocca GnaanaSamooha: yezaam EK, AK, DK aasan. AdhikaGyaatum gyaatum: “Knowledge Beyond nano piko Technology” naamni pustake www.scibd.com “
>> { ‘Sab EK, UK, Dk ke Mantran ke Samooh ke Ved kahal gail’, jahaa`:
EK = Avinaashi Gyaan,
UK = Sarvocca Gyaan je EK, AK DK ke samoohbha.}
>> [ ‘The Collection of all EK, UK and DK as Mantras or Knowledge is known as Veda’, where
EK = Eternal Knowledge which are unchangeable.
UK = Ultimate Knowledge collection of EK, AK and DK.
{DK = Praakritik KaaryaakalaapaAdhyayanena, KaaryaShaalayaa` Prakebhi: Praapta Gnaanam;
AK = GuruPustakaGurujanaAashramaVidyaalayaVishwavidyaalayaat, “NeT, Web”-pra0IaaliPraapta Gnaanaan.]
{DK = Prakriti ke paD*a ke, Prayogshaalaa me` prayog ka ke paawal Gyaan;
AK = Guru, Ashram, BaRa log, eSkool, Mahaa Vidyaalay, Vishwa Vidyaalay, net, Web, kitaab aadi se paawal gyaan.}
[DK = Derived Knowledge by deep observations of the Nature or Natural Phenomena and by Experimentations in field or laboratories.
AK = Acquired Knowledge obtained from Guru, books, elders, Ashrams, Educational Institutes, Schools, net, web and so on.]
Anekaa; navaMantraNirmaanam bhavati sadaiva Vedasya addhyetaa janena yathaa, Vicaarakena, Daarshanikena, Vaigyaanikena, PraakritikAdhyanaJanena Vaidik uparyukt Siddhaantaanusaare0Ia.
{Bahut nayaa Mantra banataaresa Ved ke vidyaarthian se:
>> Ehee se: “Ved me` lagaataar Mantra, Yantra, Tantra-Jaal banat jaataa, je me` Ved ke paD*nihaar log jaise Vicaarak, Daarshanik, Vaigyaanik, Vaisajya, aadi log je prakriti ke paD*aai karataaran Ved ke Siddhaant ke anusaar, je uupar likhal baa.}
[Many new Mantras are being Created by the students of Veda or Vedas (pronounce: Veds).
>> Thus, “Veda includes the Non-ending Series of Mantras, Yantras, processes and Tantras including those being added by the ‘Students of Vedas like Thinkers, Philosophers, Scientists, Practitioners and Professionals dealing with the Nature and the like within the Doctrine of Vedas given in pre-pages”.
Ataeva, “Veda, GnaanaBha0Iaar: Prakriti Nirmita:, Pradatta:” ata: etat na tu maatra ‘Prakaashit aapa0Ie praapta 4 Vedesu seemita:’
{Ehee se, “Ved, Prakriti ke banaawal Gyaan ke BhanDaar ha” eh se ee ‘Prakaashit 4 Vede bhar naikhe’ }
[Thus, “Veda, the Treasure of Knowledge is Created by the Nature” and is not limited to the ‘Published 4 Vedas’ available in the market.]
Veda Gatimaana: yatra EK, DK, AK, UK aasan, ya: na sthira:. Etat Gatisheela: yena sadaa navaTathyaan, Mantraan, Yantraan, Vidhin ye RishiVicaarkaVaigyaanikKhojkartaa praaptuwanta:.
{Veda Calaayamaan ha je me` EK, DK, AK aa UK baa; naa ki prakriti me`Thahral. Veda ta aisan Gatisheel baa ki, ‘roj auru nayaa tathya juRal jaataa, Rishi, Saadhu Sant, Vaigyaanik, Vicaarak, Khojkartaa se je nayaa nayaa kaam ka ke Mantra, Yantra, Vidhi aa takniki ke Gyaan detaaran. }
[Veda is Dynamic including EK, DK, UK, AK; not static in nature. Veda is Dynamic in the sense ‘more and more new natural facts are emerging through activities of Rishies, Scientists, Thinkers, and Researchers finding New Mantras, Yantras, and Processes and Techniques.]
Lekhaken 3.5 Horaa Shri Satyendra Naath Bo~s, Sri:9000 Shataabdyaam ekaMahaanVaigyaaniken sah vaartaa pascaat gyaata: yat sa: eka: Rishi, ya Vedasya samvardhanam kritwaan.
{Shri Satyendra Naath Bo~s, Sansaar ke ego baR vaigyaanik ke saat 3.5 GhanTaa batiawalaa pa, Lekhak ke eepataa laagal ki Shri Bo~s Sri: 9000 ke ego Rishi hawan, je Ved ke baD*awalan.}
[After about three and half hour talk in 1968 with Shri Satyendra Naath Bose, one of the greatest scientists of the World, it was found that Mr Bose is a Rishi of Twentieth Century who enriched Veda.]
>> Samaadhi maatra ‘Mastizkasya PrakritiSah Yogam’. Praapte tu etat sthiti, purusa: / lalanaa yat ki`cit cintayati, tat Praakritikamev; sa: / saa PrakritiSah Anant-Nritam ca karoti.
{Samaadhi aa “TraansDental MeDitesan” maane “Prakriti se Maathaa ke Yog”. Eh haalat me` kehu Prakriti ke saah naace laagelaa (Anant Satya), aa eh haalat me` uu je kuchuo so`celaa, uu Praakritik aa Praakritike holaa.}
[Samaadhi or Meditation (including Transdental Meditation) may mean “Tuning Mind with the Nature”. In this condition the person rambles with the Nature (The Eternal Truth), and whatever s/he thinks is Natural and Natural only.]
‘ManMastizkaPrakritiYoga’ ekavrihat Vidhi:, yen Rishi sarvaJanaHitaaya kaaryam karoti. ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niramayah’; Sarve bhadraa0ii pashyantu, maa kasciddukhamaapnuyaat’.
{“Prakriti aa Man ke Yog” TMN ego baR Taknik ha, jekar Rishi log Sab ke hit me` karele; ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niramayah’, arthaat ‘Sab sukhee hokhe, sab gandagian aa durbhaavanaa se se door}
[‘Tuning Mind with the Nature’ TMN is the Great Technique, which is used by a Rishi for the Good of All; following ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niramayah’, this means ‘Let all be happy, and free from all ill will and sicknesses’.]
Alam, TMN: Anekaa: Rishi TMN Gyaataan, adhunaaa ca gyayate, parantu TMN maatra tezaam sah bhavet ya: “Sanaatanaarya: / Sanaatanaaryaa”, ye savezaam kalyaa0iameva cintayati.
{TMN se Saawadhaan: bahut Rishi TMN jaanat rahan, aa aajo dher log jaanelan, baakir TMN ohee logan ke paas hokhe ke caahee` ”Je sab bhootan ke bhalaaie so`ce, caahe uu sajeev aa nirjeev hokhe”, yaane ki kawano Rishi caahe aisan aadmi, je Sanaatanaarya hokhe.}
[Caution with TMN: many Rishi knew TMN, and even now many know, but TMN must remain with those “Who look good for all beings, living or non-living”, i.e. with Rishi or such persons who follow ‘Sanaatan Dharma’ of Manav or Man to entire satisfaction of a true Acharya [pronounce: Aachaarya, not just an Acharya degree holder]
Sanaatanaaryena Veda: paThaneeya. Sanaatani yadaa “Sanaatan DharmaViheena: bhawati, tada sa: /saa Raaxas / Raaxasi ca bhavizyati; yena VedapaThanam na karitavyam.
{Kawano Sanaatanaarya Ved paD*a sakelaa. Baakir Hinduo Raaxas ho sakelaa, jadi uu ‘Sanaatan Dharma’ se vimukh ho jaaye. Ehee se sab ke Ved naa paD*aawal jaay. Auru Ved paD*e se pahile, paaThak ke “Upnayan Sanskaar” kail jaroori holaa, jab okaraa ke Ved ke Siddhaant bataawl jaalaa Brahmacaari aa Brahmacaarini ke. Naa ta Ved ke Gyaan se uu dusr logan ke haani ka sakelaa, aapan tathaa kathit laabh khaatir.}
[Even a Hindu may become a Raaxasa when s/he deviates from the ‘Sanaatan Dharma’. This is the reason why Veda is not to be taught readily to anybody. Further, before the study of Veda, it is essential for the person to complete ‘Upnayan Sanskaar’ when the Doctrine of Vedas is to be infused in the person to make him / her Brahmachaari or Brahmachaarini. Else, the knowledge of Veda may be used by the person to harm others and for the sake of petty selfish gains.]
VedaGyaanam sarvaJanahitaaya, na tu sa`haaraay athvaa anyasya ahitaaya, iti.
{Vadik gyaa sab ke hit me` kareke caahee`, aa kawano sa`haar aa kehu ke haani khaatir naa.}
[Vedic knowledge must be utilized for the Good of All, and not for the destruction of any kind or harming anybody.]
5. Veda and Sayana or Max Muller: Some Facts
Sayana: Some Facts for those who may be unaware:
Sayana [pronounce: Saayana] was a Hindu born out of Shudra parents of South India. Sayana strongly desired to study Veda. He learnt Sanskrit under a Vaidic. But the Vaidic Acharya did not permit Sayana to study Veda.
The Acharya must ensure that the person other than a Brahman, Xatriya or Vaishya is capable and fit to study Veda.
Due to eagerness, Sayana had no patience to continue further studying from the Vaidic. He left the Acharya and went another Acharya.
There also he could not get permission to study Veda for long. Thus, he lost his patience again and decided for self-study of Veda as he had already learnt Sanskrit.
With his dedication, love for Veda and hard labor Sayana not only studied the four Vedas but prepared their Bhashyas (Explanations and commentaries) as well.
Sayana thought to go to Varanasi, the seat of education of Bharat and present his Bhashyas to the learned Acharya and Pundits.
In the great Shashtrartha in Varanasi Acharya and Pundit Samaaj of Bharat accepted his Bhashyas as a Version of Vedas as the Twenty Third Bhashya of Veda; although they very well knew that it was not within the Doctrine of Veda. This was done in honor of his dedication, hard labor towards the good cause.
Max Muller:
The status of Max Muller also is somewhat similar to Sayana. In Bharat there are two Schools among Vaidics. The views of one matches with the 22 Bhashyas, where as the others views matches with Sayana-Bhashya as it suits them being fish eaters.
Sayana Bhashya of Vedas and Max Muller’s translation of Sayana-Bhashya of Vedas cannot be called a realistic EK, UK, DK and AK.
Swami Dayananda Saraswati:
Later Swami Dayanand Saraswati produced a Bhashya of Rigveda followed by Bhashyas of Atharva Veda by one of his disciples. These Bhashyas are well within the Doctrine of Vedas and may be called 24th Bhashya of Rigveda and Atharva Veda, possibly. Some aspects of these are touched in the Next Chapter.
Yajurveda deals with practical aspects of life or Karmakanda, which is not so relevant now due to enormous changes in the way of living of men in the 21st Century.
6. Some Aspects of Vedas:
0o...m ॐ
वेद - आँशिक Veda - Aanshik
"संहिता” सरलीकृत संस्कृते “Kuch Bhaag: Asal Ved ke”
“Sa`hitaa” Saralikrit-Sanskrite,
{Kuch bhaag} [Partly]
{Bhojpuri me`}, [in English]
लेख़क: By:
डॉ पण्डित देवदत्त शर्मा [Pt Dr Deo Dutta Sharma] {Pt Da Deva Datta Sharmaa}
सृष्ट्याबद SrizTyaabda 01.01.1 972 949 115, Nyoone: Sri: 1.1.9115
सृष्ट्याबद SrizTyaabda 17.10.1 972 949 115, Nyoone: Sri: 17.10.9115
[in short, on the Earliest Calendar]
{ThoR me` SrisTyaabda = Sri: 17.10.9115},
RRX-Dilli Nagaraat {RRX-Dilli se} [NCR -Delhi]
सृष्ट्याबद SrizTyaabda 01.01.1 972 949 115
{SrisTyaabda}, [The Earliest Calendar]
NCR-DilliNagaraat दिल्ली नगरात
{RRX-Dilli Shahar se}
[From NCR -Delhi]
ॐ 0o...m
ऋग्वेद संहिता RigvedaSa`hitaa
ऋष्यादि संवलिता RizyaadiSa`valitaa
वैदिक यंत्रालयस्थ पण्डितैर्वहुसंहितानुसारेणसन्सोधिता
Vaidik-yantraalayastha Pa0IitairvahuSa`hitaanusaare0Ia Sa`shodhitaa
{ऋग्वेद असल Rigveda Asal
ऋषि लोगन से ले आईल, वैदिकी मशीन घऱ pa
ढ़ेर पण्डितन के असल किताब के अनुसार शुद्ध कईल.
Dher PanDitan ke Asal kitaab keAnusaar
Suddha kail}
[Original Rigveda: produced by Rizis
At Vedic Printing House
According to Corrections by many Pandit's Original Books]
Ajamereeya Vaidik-yantraalaye Mudritaa
SrizTyaabdaa: 1 972 949 026
Vikramaabda 1983
{Ajmer ke Vaidik Pres se Chaapal
SrisTyaabda: 1 972 949 026
Vikramaabda 1983}
[Printed by the Vedic Press of Ajmer
Sristyabda: 1 972 949 026
Vikramaabda 1983 (Khrishtyabda 1926 AD)]
>>> Iti Naamni Pustakaadhaare
"Rigveda Aansikaa"
Atra Viracitaa.
{Ehi naav ke Kitaab ke anusaar
"Rigveda Aansik"
ke eehaa` racanaa kail gail baa}
[On the the basis of this book
"Rigveda Partly"
is being written hereunder.]
Roman-LipyamSanskritaPaThitum eva` lekitum prathamam gamyataam: www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com
{Roman Lipi me` अन्तराष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी Bhojpuri paD*e aa likhe khaatir pahile dekhi`: www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com}
[For reading Sanskrit written in Roman Script, go to www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com
www.bhaasaa.blogspot.com ]
Atra Svarit`, Anudaatta`. Udaattam na pradashitaani.
{Eehaa` Svarit, Anudaatta, Udaatta naikhe likhal jaat.}
[Here Svarit, Anudatta, Udatta are omitted.]
RigvedaSanhitaa, Aanshik
{Rigveda asal, kuch Bhaag}
[Original Rigveda, Partly]
ManDal 1, Suktam 1, Madhuchandaa Rizi.
{Bhaag 1. Mantra 1, Madhuchandaa Risi
Agni, Aag devataa}
[Mandal 1. Hymna 1, Madhuchhanda Risi.
Fire god.]
1.1. Agnimeele purohita` yagyasya devamritvijam.
Hotaara` ratnadhaatamam..1.
{ Aadarneeya Aag devataa hamni ke sab devatan ke Ja~g ke pooraa karelan}
[The fire god is respected for the Yagyaas for all gods, for those who perform Yagyaas. ]
2.. Agni: poorverrizibhiriDyo nootanairuta.
Sa devaa` eh vakzati..2.
{Rishi logan ke aadar0Ieeya Agni devataa dusar devataa logan ke hamani keehaa` le aawas.}
[Let the fire-god respected by all Sages bring other gods here.]
3... Agninaa raivashnavatyoshameva dive dive. Yashasa` veeravattamam..3.
{Agni devataa se log ja~s aa dhan paawelan je dinodin baD*at jaalaa}
[With the help of fire god, one gets lot of wealth and fame which goes on increasing
day by day.]
4.. Agne ya` yagyamadhvara` vishwata: paribhoorasi. Sa iddevezu gacchati..4.
{Agni deva Yagya ke sahaare Sansaar ke sab devataa logan tak hamani ke ceej bhejelan.} [Fire god makes to reach all our Yagya articles to different gods.]
5.. Agnirhotaa kavikratu: satyashitrashravastama:.
Devo devebhiraagamat..5.
{Aagi deva je me` subuddhi, saccaai, swacchataa khaatir vikhyaat baani, rauaa dusaro devataa logan ke saath aaee`}
[Let fire god, who is full of wisdom, truth, and fame come here wit other gods.]
6..Yadanga daashuze tvamagne bhadra` krizyasi. tavettsatya mangira:..6.
{He Agni deva, rauaa jawno karab, ohi se hamani ke dhan dhan ho jaaib.}
[O, fire god whatever good you do on us, that itself is all for us. ]
7.. Up tvaagne divedive dozaavastardhiyaa vayam. Namo bharanta emasi..7.
{He Aagi devataa, rauaa anhariyaa se ujariyaa ka deni, ham aapan so’~c ke le ke aawataani, sab uujar kare khaatir.}
[O fire god, the illuminator of darkness, we come near you with our thought for illumination.]
8.. raajantamadhvaraa0Iaa` gopaamritasya deedivam. Vardhamaana` sve dame..8.
{He camakat Aagi deva! He Jag ke paalak, Satya ke sitaaraa, apane ghar me` raheni rauaa.}
[O Agni, the shining fire god! Protector of Yagyas, the star of truth, living in your own dwelling. ]
9.. Sa na: piteva sunaveagnesoopaayano bhava. Sacasvaana: svastaye..1.9.
{He Agni deva! Hamani ke pitaa! Hamani ke raxak banal rahee`.}
[O fire! Be easily available to us like a father to the son. Be with us for our well being.]
(Anudatta, Udatta, Swarit chihnaa: na pradarshitaan atra.)
Roman-LipyamSanskritaPaThitum eva` lekitum prathamam gamyataam: www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com
{Roman Lipi me` अन्तराष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी Bhojpuri paD*e aa likhe khaatir pahile dekhi`: www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com }
[For reading Sanskrit correctly written in Roman Script, first go to www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com ]
लेख़क: Lekhakasya Vicaaraa: {लेख़क ke Vicaar}: [Writer’s\ View]:
[1] Goto www.plus.google.com “Darkness to Light: : Doctrine and Gist of Vedas Tamaso maa Jyotirgamaya. Veda ke adhaar aur Saar >
By Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
>> वेद पठन पूर्वम उपर्युक्त Veda paThanaPoorvam uparyukta www sthaane स्थाने गम्यताम् सत्यार्थजन्य gamaneeyam Satyaarthajanyam.
{Veda paD*e se Pahile uupar ke www link dekhee` sahi Artha jaane khaatir.}
[Before reading, studying and to derive appropriate meaning of Veda Mantas, go to the above link.]
[2] www.ecs.umas.edu/ece/janaswamy/jan darshaneeyam{dekhe laayak} [refer]
[3] यज् Yagya, Yajna = Good Performance, = हवन पूजन कर्मकाण्ड Hawan, Poojan, Karmakaa0Da.
[Not ‘Sacrifice’ or न तु कदा वलि Vali as told by many, particularly Westerners.]
Apara` ca. {Auru baa.} [continued.]
Roman-LipyamSanskritaPaThitum eva` lekitum prathamam gamyataam: www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com
{Roman Lipi me` अन्तराष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी Bhojpuri paD*e aa likhe khaatir pahile dekhi`: www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com }
[For reading Sanskrit or International Bhojpuri, InBho written in Roman Script, Goto www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com]
Kramasha: {Caaloo baa} [Continued
आंशिक वेद: Aansik Veda: {Aansik Ved} [Ansik Veda]
* त्रिभाषीय (सरलीकृत संस्कृते ) TriBhaazeeya (Saralikrit Sanskrite)
www.plus.google.com 27.08.2014, "Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam" sthaane,
** {तीन भाषा वाला Teen Bhaasaa waalaa: InBho, AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri me` [Angreji me`] aa Sanskrit me`.}
*** [Trilingual: In English, {Bhojpuri me`} SaralikritSanskrite]:
* ऋग्वेद संहिता ”Rigveda Samhitaa” : LekhakaVicaaraSah
** {ऋग्वेद असली “Rigved Asal” : Lekhak ke baat ke saath}
*** [“Rigveda, original” :s with Writer's Views]
* VedaPaThanaPoorvam nimnaLikhit vizayaGyaanam aavashyakeeyam.
** {वेद पढ़े से पहिले Veda paD*e se pahile kuch khaas tathya jaanal jaroori baa taaki Veda ke sahi maane samhajh me` aawe. Dekhee` neece}:
*** [Before reading Veda, one should understand some basic facts so as to get correct meaning of the Hymns. Please look at the following book[:
:Darkness to Light:
:Doctrine and Gist of Vedas
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय Tamaso Maa Jyotirgamaya: : वेद के आधार आ सार Veda Ke Aadhaar aa Saar
By Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma डॉ पंडित देव दत्त शर्मा
From The House of Vedas & Ayurveda वेद आ आयुर्वेद के घर से
Copy Right: All rights reserved with the writer of the book.
Who is supposed to read this book:
This book is may be helpful for all “Who looks good for all being, living or non-living”. The book is not made for those who derive pleasure in teasing or harming others. Scientists and others, whose minds are not biased by orthodox religious thoughts, may also study the book.
1. Introduction: Samaahuti समाहुति आदर
2. Diagrammatic Representation of “The Whole” पूर्ण के चित्रीय रूप
3. Respect for All : Doctrine of Vedas सब के आदर वेद के सिद्धान्त
4. Vedas: Rig, Yaju, Saam, Atharva वेद ऋग यजुः साम अथर्व
5. Vedas: Views of सायण Sayana and Max Mular
6. Some Aspects of Vedas.
***[Darkness to Light: :Doctrine and Gist of Vedas]
** {Anhaar se A`jo~r: :Veda Ke Aadhaar aa Saar}
· Tamaso Maa Jyotirgamaya: :VedaAdhara: eva` Saar:
1. Introduction: Samaahuti
Let us move together (for Samaahuti) “From Darkness Towards Light”, since
‘Truth Only Prevails’ Satyameva Jayate.
Sit with God, on the lap of I’shara, Brahma [not Brahmaa one of the Trinity]
Ø We all are on the lap of Brahma, God.
Ø Make friends.
Ø Enjoy life by living for others, for birds,, animals, fellow men, women, for Manav.
Ø Enjoy life with friends, with friendship with creatures,
Ø Enjoy Whole Life.
· Do not be afraid of Life and death, do not strive for Mox, do not get rid of enjoying the beauties of the Nature,
Ø Do friendship with Brahma and the Universe so attractive, beautiful and colorful.
*** Brahma is physical and abstract.
Ø Enjoy living with Brahma, God, I’swar, Allah, Rub, and
or with whatever name you may call.
· Sex with willing couple is pleasure and good being natural Unification.
Ø Unification with the Nature and Brahma is Paramanand, ‘everlasting enjoyment’ as most Naturalists, Scientists, Musicians, worshipers do without any gain, personal or otherwise.
Ø Enjoy by Unification, togetherness, friendship, love & affection.
** A ‘True Man’ or Manav is the one “Who looks good for all beings, living and Non-living”.
Ø S/he enjoys with all birds, animals, plants and Planets, mountens and rivers, clouds and rains.
· A ‘True Man’ or Manav is not bound by the limitations of religions, The Thoughts of Manav is Wide with Open views, not with any limitations.
Ø Be a Manav, a Man and love all.
Ø Enjoy the Nature, the Universe, which is so beautiful!
Ø Think about Vedas, “The True Natural Treasure of Knowledge” for Good of all. The ‘Eternal Knowledge’ EK, the ‘Ultimate Knowledge’ UK, the ‘Acquired Knowledge’ AK, and the ‘Derived Knowledhe’ DK. [ Refer “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” by the Author]
· Any one Teaching or Preaching narrowness, harming and killing others, spreading hatred, competing with rivalry for winning for the sake of petty gains is not the basic Nature or Character of a Man or Manav.
Ø Never harm or kill any one, not even an animal, particularly for enjoyment, as this is not the character of a Manav or Man. Only a Danav and a Raxas derive pleasure in killing or harming others.
· Be careful, there are some religions and groups spreading hatred and trying to impose their own views on all. They can harm others and derive momentary pleasure as well. This is not Satyug [href. Book “Kalyug Me Satyug” by the Author], the ‘Era of Truth”. Around you, you may find many Singhs, Talwaars, wasps …., in case they are really so, be careful.
Ø Aii Scientists unbiased by a religion are the students of Vedas. (e.g. Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Acharya Pandit Ambika Datta Sharma, Satyendra Nath Bose, APJ Abdul Kalam, Dr Pt Ramkaran Sharma and the like).
Ø Quite often a student of Vedas remains ignorant even after enormous studies (e.g. Rishi Sayana, Mr Max Mueller many other Pundits of Mithila), although they labored hard; but in the absence of a proper Guru and Acharya, the hard labor and studies by Rishi Saayana, Mr Max Mueller and others remained meaningless.
Ø There is nothing like ‘Polytheism’ once the difference between Brahma [ pronounce: Brahma, not Brahmaa the latter being one of the Trinity: Brahmaa, Vishnu and Mahesh] or I’shwar; and ‘Devata, Deva and Devi, gods [with small ‘g’] who are innumerable’.
Ø Brahma, God or Brahma / I’shwar is Only one; but this is quite different from Brahmaa, Devatas, Deva, or gods [small ‘g’ is used for these since there is no suitable other word, to distinguish it from One Brahma or God]
Ø The Concept of Devata, Deva, Devi or god and goddesses is unique for establishing goodness between all beings, living or non-living.
Ø According to Vedas
(a) “Brahma is only one, perfectly physical but abstract”: which is timeless, shapeless and infinitely small; whereas
(b) “Everything around us in the Universe, an ant, a stone, a plant, a Planet, a grass, a shrub, a tree, a fish, even a microbe or whatever we think, or do not think but exists are known as Devata, Deva, gods (masculine), Devis or goddesses (feminine) with respect and regard.
(c) The above concept of Vedas lays the Foundation of respecting all and lays the foundation of Community or Social Living, and Socialism. The whole of Rigveda is full of Mantras with the respective Devata, and each Mantra is nothing but Stuti, prayer or description of the respective Devata like Agni (Fire god), Varun (Crimson colored Rays of rising Son), Indra (the Top Ruling Rain god) and so on.
The above statements of Vedas constitute the basics of ‘Sanaatan Dharm of Manav” or “The Age old Ways of living of a Man”. Thus, this is the Foundation of Vaidic or Vedic Dharma for all mankind.
Ø Many people worship their mother, father, Guru, and other elders. What is wrong in this? “Matri Devobhava, Pitri Devobhava, Gururdevobhava”, Upanishads say. Here one may mark the language of Upanishad, nothing is imposed as they say, “Let the mother be the god, let the father be the god and let the Guru be the god”.
Ø “Charity starts from home”, thus in case one is to be a social creature, s/he should take blessings from mother, father and Guru. After all as observed physically and directly one’s existence is due to her/his father and mother; and development is due to Guru. One may consider as the infusion of Socialism in the person.
· Only those cannot be considered Manav, Man, what to talk about Devata, Deva, god, Devi or goddess; who derive pleasure in harming or killing others.
Ø Thus, Vedas or “Sanaatan Dharma of Man” never considers ‘Polytheism’, but they respectfully call all beings living beings (mother, father and Guru; the Earth, the Sun, the Tree etc.) or non-living beings (stone, mountain, cloud, rays etc.) as Devata, Deva, Devi or gods.
Ø This ‘Concept of treating everybody including oneself as god or Deva/Devi’ is the first step of Socialism.
Ø Humanism is the basis of Communism, considering all men equal irrespective of their Sex, Cast. Creed, Origin etc.
Ø Humanism is the First Step of “Sanaatan Dharma” or Hinduism as many call it, as the latter respects all being equally (including non-living beings).
Ø Thus, Socialism or Communism is the First Stage of Hinduism or Vedic Culture. [Ref. “Kalyug Me* Satug”, By the Author].
Ø The above Twin LOCAS ( pronounce: Loks) depicts “Dwait Vad” of ‘Sanatan or Vaidic Dharma’ as said by Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma, “Ying Yang” theory of Buddhism, or Dualism.
Ø ‘Sanaatan Dharma’, ‘The Age Old Way of Living of Man’ includes all, goes together with all, as its Doctrine is “Sangachhadhvam Sambadadhvam Sannomanah Shivasankalpahmastu”, “Let us go Together, Bound Together, Together heart to heart determined for Good of all”. This isn’t this the Doctrine of Socialism?
Ø ‘Sanaatan Dharma’ is the other name of Socialism.
Ø There are many Locas (pronounce: Loks) within the above Twin Ihloc and Itarloc. The whole Universe as found by 20thCentury Science is within IHALOC consisting of billions of Galaxies. ITARLOC is similar to IHALOC but made of Anti-matter. This is Vaidic Knowledge.
Ø There can be many such Twins in “the Whole” and the ‘Space’ Antarix in which they move is one, and full of various kinds of Rays (Ram) moving as EM Waves with constant velocity. This is known as “Ram Nam Satya Hai” as this velocity of Rays are Unchangeable in the Space.
Ø Thus when a persondepicts ‘Oo…m’ at the start of a Text, it reminds the person about “the Whole” and shows / says “To look good to all beings, living and non-living”
Ø ‘Oo…m’ is also pronounced before start of reading Vedas, or before start of any Mantra. good thing, activity or process.
2. Diagrammatic Representation of “The Whole”
The First Lesson of Veda is “The First Axar or Akshar of Devanagari Script”, which is the Diagramatic Representation or the Model of “The Whole”.
Being on the lap of the Earth, it is quite difficult to conceive the shape, size and many other nature of the Earth. Once we go out of the Lap (thanks to modern man made Satellites), the Earth clearly looks a lovely almost round as a Sphere greenish-blue in color and small in size from outer space.
However, being on the earth, one can conceive it, only with the help of a ‘Model of Globe’; although the ‘Model of the Earth” as a ‘Globe with the maps on it’ should not be confused as the real Earth.
The same way, the ancestors of Manav or Man have developed as EK, the Eternal Knowledge utilising the technique of “Tuning Mind with The Nature” and preserved in Vedas as a “Model of ‘The Whole’”, and called the same as ‘Akshar or Axar’, which means Unchangeable One; all other beings or things are Changeable or Perishable.
The one who knows ‘the First Axar’ of the Devanaagari Script in its correct form, s/he at least is aware of the Model. This Model is described in sufficient details Firdt time in the book entitled “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” by the Author.
The First Axar of the Devanagari Script or the “Model of ‘the Whole’” is produced below as observed during 1945-47 by the Author in a hand written version of Rigveda.
Brief Description of the “Akshar or The Whole”:
1. The top elliptical part of “The Whole” is really an Ellipsoid or Anda i.e. Egg shaped representing IHLOC part of ‘Brahmaand’ made of matter.
IHLOC = The part of the Egg Shaped Universe in which we live.
2. The bottom ellipsoid or Anda or Egg Shape represents ITERLOC part of ‘Brahmaand’ made of Anti-matter, which is similar to IHLOC. A LOC is the Localized form of the Rays [or Ram pronounce:Raama or EM Waves moving at about 3 Lakh km/s. this is the real Ram since Ramate’ti Raamah, the one keeps on moving is Raama].
3. The Front and back wavy part represents various types of Rays [Raama] travelling as EM Waves in the Space or Antarix. The whole Space is Kaali Devi, dark. Raama, the Ray also is dark.
4. “The Whole” is made up of Brahma [not Brahmaa of the Trinity: Brahmaa, Vishnu, and Mahesh or Shiva, the Conceptual gods. Brahma is depicted as a dot ‘.’ , which is conceptualized by Ananta or Infinity. Sanaatani also know him as ‘Ananta Bhagawaan’.
5. In this Devanaagari Script the Model of ‘the Whole’ can best be written as ‘Oo…m’. and can be depicted by pronouncing a long sound of ‘O’ with full open mouth in Oval Shape (representing the Shape of the Universe), gradually closing the mouth and at the end fully closing the mouth and the sound when top and bottom lips get shut. “Here the top lip represents the IHALOC, the bottom one represents ITARLOC. The Vibrating sound represents the Waves and ‘m’ represents Brahma or God.
6. For further details one may go to the book: “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” by the Auteor; to find how Brahma is called “Brahma”, how God is called God, or I’shwar, or Allah, or Rub …
One may go to “Brahma” [not Brahmaa] on www.googleplus.com for some details.
3. Respect for All: Doctrine of Vedas
The Doctrine of ‘Sanaatan Dharma’ or ‘Vaidic Dharma’ or “Sanaatanaarya Samaaj” as called by Acharya Pandit Ambika Datta Sharma is:
(a) Wide Knowledge free from Religious narrowness
(b) Respect for All
(c) To look good for all beings, living or non-living’
(d) To consider all beings respectfully as Devata, Deva/Devi, gods/ goddesses.
(e) Brahma, Akshar or Axar, I’shwar, God, Allah, Rub etc is the only one having different names which are synonymous.
The above five Doctrines of Vedas are inherent in ‘Gayatri Mantra’ of Vedas as follows:
“Oo…m Bhurbhuvah Svah, Tatsaviturvarenyam,
Bhargodevasya Dhimahi, Dhiyoyonah Prachodayat”.
This very simplistically means:
‘Oo…m, the Earth, the Antarix and the self which is concievable to Savita, which (Rays or Ram) goes (moves) into the Space as conceived by Deva; be infused in our mind.
Here ‘Deva’ simply means learned persons, or beings, but may include a Guru or any knowledgeable person as well.
The Pundits have stated the “Gayatri Mantra” in more simplified manner as follows:
“ Oo…m Ramogati Dehu Sumati”
This means:
Oo…m Ram is Gati or velocity only, (O Ram) please infuse in me/us goodness.
Thus we find, the above basically consists of two parts, namely:
Imparting Abstract Knowledge in common man by:
Introduction of Oo…m, and stating
Ram is Velocity (not the eldest son of King Dashrath);
Infusing Social Aspect in common man by:
Willing to have Good virtues.
Once the above two aspects are infused in a person, s/he gets completely submerged in getting ‘Abstract Knowledge’ and finds ways and means “To do Good for all beings, living or non-living” as her/his Social Wish.
· The only exception to the above are those who like to knowingly harm others,
· Who do not think good for others and think mainly for themselves,
· Who do not respect others, including parents and elders,
· Who derive pleasure in destoying a non-living being or thing, beating and killing others, winning over others either in a war, fight, or a competition,
· Who raise fight or war for their own gains,
Such persons better need not read or study Vedas.
4. Vedas: Rig, Yaju, Saam, Atharva
This Chapter deals to know:
Ø ‘What is Veda?’
Ø Who has written, spoken or created Veda?
Ø Veda is a ‘Single Entity of Knowledge’.
However, Rishi Vedavyas Edited ‘Veda Mantras’ and collected in four groups, namely:
In short:
Rigveda > Mantras > Abstract Knowledge
Yajurveda > Yantras > Practical Knowledge
Atharva Veda > Tantras > Knowledge of Control System including wireless
Saam Veda > Musical Mantras
(a) Rigveda: ‘The Collection of Mantras which are Stuties, prays, Prayers, and Descriptions of Properties or Virtues of Devatas.
(b) Yajurveda: ‘The Collection of Mantras describing practical aspects, or Processes called Karmakaanda’.
The Mantras common to both Rigveda and Yajurveda may have different meaning; The Rigvedeeya meaning will provide more abstract knowledge, whereas the Yajurvedeeya meaning may provide meaning that is more practical.
(c) Saama Veda: is the collection of Mantras which can be sung
(d) Atharva Veda: Includes all types of Tantras (like Electronics. Wireless etc, ‘Tuning Mind with the Nature’).
Ø Who Created the ‘Veda Mantra? This is a Prime Question.
Ø Has Rishi Vedavyaas Created the Vedaas?
Ø Or are the Rishi named after each Mantra, is the Creater of the Mantra?
Ø What is Kamkanda?
Ø What is the significance of Tantras?
Ø Is the Edited and available Veda Complete?
These are some prime questions related to Vedas.
The answers of these are produced by Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma, the Author coming from “The House of Vedas and Ayurveda” which are often derived by using “The Technique of Tuning the Mind with the Nature”.
The same Technique was used by Rishies to get many Mantras providing the ‘Eternal Knowledge’, EK; and becomes Ultimate Knowledge, UK like Khristyaabda: 2000AD corresponds to Srishtyaabda: 1 972 949 100 Published Rigveda Sanhita.
Ø >> ‘The Collection of all EK, UK and DK as Mantras or Knowledge is known as Veda’, where
Ø EK = Eternal Knowledge which are unchangeable.
Ø UK = Ultimate Knowledge collection of EK, AK and DK.
Ø DK = Derived Knowledge by deep observations of the Nature or Natural Phenomena and by Experimentations in field or laboratories.
Ø AK = Acquired Knowledge obtained from Guru, books, elders, Ashrams, Educational Institutes, Schools, net, web and so on.
Ø Many new Mantras are being Created by the students of Veda or Vedas [pronounce: Veds].
Ø >> Thus, “Veda includes the Non-ending Series of Mantras, Yantras, processes and Tantras including those being added by the ‘Students of Vedas like Thinkers, Philosophers, Scientists, Practitioners and Professionals dealing with the Nature and the like within the Doctrine of Vedas given in pre-pages”.
Ø Thus, “Veda, the Treasure of Knowledge is Created by the Nature” and is not limited to the ‘Published 4 Vedas’ available in the market.
Ø Veda is Dynamic including EK, DK, UK, AK; not static in nature. Veda is Dynamic in the sense ‘more and more new natural facts are emerging through activities of Rishies, Scientists, Thinkers, and Researchers finding New Mantras, Yantras, and Processes and Techniques.
Ø After about three and half hour talk with Shri Satyendra Naath Bose, one of the greatest scientists of the World in Seventies, it was found that Mr Bose is a Rishi of Twentieth Century who enriched Veda.
Ø >>Samaadhi or Meditation (including Transdental Meditation) may mean Tuning Mind with the Nature. In this condition the person rambles with the Nature (The Eternal Truth), and whatever s/he thinks is Natural and Natural only.
Ø ‘Tuning Mind with the Nature’ TMN is the Great Technique, which is used by a Rishi for the Good of All; following ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niramayah’, this means ‘Let all be happy, and free from all ill will and sicknesses’.
· Caution with TMN: many Rishi knew TMN, and even now many know, but TMN must remain with those “Who look good for all beings, living or non-living”, i.e. with Rishi or such persons who follow ‘Sanaatan Dharma’ of Manav or Man to entire satisfaction of a true Acharya [pronounce: Aachaarya, not just an Acharya degree holder].
· Even a Hindu may become a Raaxasa when s/he deviates from the ‘Sanaatan Dharma’. This is the reason why Veda is not to be taught readily to any body. Further, before the study of Veda, it is essential for the person to complete ‘Upnayan Sanskaar’ when the Doctrine of Vedas is to be infused in the person to make him / her Brahmachaari or Brahmachaarini. Else, the knowledge of Veda may be used by the person to harm others and for the sake of petty selfish gains.
· Vedic knowledge must be utilized for the Good of All, and not for the destruction of any kind or harming anybody.
5. Veda and Sayana or Max Muller: Some Facts
Sayana: Some Facts for those who may be unaware:
Sayana [pronounce: Saayana] was a Hindu born out of Shudra parents of South India. Sayana strongly desired to study Veda. He learnt Sanskrit under a Vaidic. But the Vaidic Acharya did not permit Sayana to study Veda.
The Acharya must ensure that the person other than a Brahman, Xatriya or Vaishya is capable and fit to study Veda.
Due to eagerness, Sayana had no patience to continue further studying from the Vaidic. He left the Acharya and went another Acharya.
There also he could not get permission to study Veda for long. Thus, he lost his patience again and decided for self-study of Veda as he had already learnt Sanskrit.
With his dedication, love for Veda and hard labor Sayana not only studied the four Vedas but prepared their Bhashyas (Explanations and commentaries) as well.
Sayana thought to go to Varanasi, the seat of education of Bharat and present his Bhashyas to the learned Acharya and Pundits.
In the great Shashtrartha in Varanasi Acharya and Pundit Samaaj of Bharat accepted his Bhashyas as a Version of Vedas as the Twenty Third Bhashya of Veda; although they very well knew that it was not within the Doctrine of Veda. This was done in honor of his dedication, hard labor towards the good cause.
Max Muller:
The status of Max Muller also is somewhat similar to Sayana. In Bharat there are two Schools among Vaidics. The views of one matches with the 22 Bhashyas, where as the others views matches with Sayana-Bhashya as it suits them being fish eaters.
Sayana Bhashya of Vedas and Max Muller’s translation of Sayana-Bhashya of Vedas cannot be called a realistic EK, UK, DK and AK.
Swami Dayananda Saraswati:
Later Swami Dayanand Saraswati produced a Bhashya of Rigveda followed by Bhashyas of Atharva Veda by one of his disciples. These Bhashyas are well within the Doctrine of Vedas and may be called 24th Bhashya of Rigveda and Atharva Veda, possibly. Some aspects of these are touched in the Next Chapter.
Yajurveda deals with practical aspects of life or Karmakanda, which is not so relevant now due to enormous changes in the way of living of men in the 21st Century.
6. Some Aspects of Vedas:
वेद - आँशिक Veda - Aanshik
"संहिता” सरलीकृत संस्कृते
“Sa`hitaa” Saralikrit-Sanskrite,
{Kuch bhaag} [Partly]
{Bhojpuri me`}, [in English]
लेख़क: By:
डॉ पण्डित देवदत्त शर्मा [Pt Dr Deo Dutta Sharma]
सृष्ट्याबद SrizTyaabda 01.01.1 972 949 115, Nyoone: Sri: 1.1.9115
[in short, on the Earliest Calendar]
{ThoR me` SrisTyaabda = Sri: 1.1.9115},
RRX-DilliNagaraat {RRX-Dilli se} [NCR -Delhi]
सृष्ट्याबद SrizTyaabda 01.01.1 972 949 115
{SrisTyaabda}, [The Earliest Calendar]
NCR-DilliNagaraat दिल्ली नगरात
{RRX-Dilli Shahar se}
[From NCR -Delhi]
ॐ 0o...m
ऋग्वेद संहिता RigvedaSa`hitaa
ऋष्यादि संवलिता RizyaadiSa`valitaa
वैदिक यंत्रालयस्थ पण्डितैर्वहुसंहितानुसारेणसन्सोधिता
Vaidik-yantraalayastha Pa0IitairvahuSa`hitaanusaare0Ia Sa`shodhitaa
{ऋग्वेद असल Rigveda Asal
ऋषि लोगन से ले आईल, वैदिकी मशीन घऱ pa
ढ़ेर पण्डितन के असल किताब के अनुसार शुद्ध कईल.
Dher PanDitan ke Asal kitaab keAnusaar
Suddha kail}
[Original Rigveda: produced by Rizis
At Vedic Printing House
According to Corrections by many Pandit's Original Books]
Ajamereeya Vaidik-yantraalaye Mudritaa
SrizTyaabdaa: 1 972 949 026
Vikramaabda 1983
{Ajmer ke Vaidik Pres se Chaapal
SrisTyaabda: 1 972 949 026
Vikramaabda 1983}
[Printed by the Vedic Press of Ajmer
Sristyabda: 1 972 949 026
Vikramaabda 1983 (Khrishtyabda 1926 AD)]
>>> Iti Naamni Pustakaadhaare
"Rigveda Aansikaa"
Atra Viracitaa.
{Ehi naav ke Kitaab ke anusaar
"Rigveda Aansik"
ke eehaa` racanaa kail gail baa}
[On the the basis of this book
"Rigveda Partly"
is being written hereunder.]
Roman-LipyamSanskritaPaThitum eva` lekitum prathamam gamyataam: www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com
{Roman Lipi me` अन्तराष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी Bhojpuri paD*e aa likhe khaatir pahile dekhi`: www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com}
[For reading Sanskrit written in Roman Script, go to www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com
www.bhaasaa.blogspot.com ]
Atra Svarit`, Anudaatta`. Udaattam na pradashitaani.
{Eehaa` Svarit, Anudaatta, Udaatta naikhe likhal jaat.}
[Here Svarit, Anudatta, Udatta are omitted.]
RigvedaSanhitaa, Aanshik
{Rigveda asal, kuch Bhaag}
[Original Rigveda, Partly]
ManDal 1, Suktam 1, Madhuchandaa Rizi.
{Bhaag 1. Mantra 1, Madhuchandaa Risi
Agni, Aag devataa}
[Mandal 1. Hymna 1, Madhuchhanda Risi.
Fire god.]
1.1. Agnimeele purohita` yagyasya devamritvijam.
Hotaara` ratnadhaatamam..1.
{ Aadarneeya Aag devataa hamni ke sab devatan ke Ja~g ke pooraa karelan}
[The fire god is respected for the Yagyaas for all gods, for those who perform Yagyaas. ]
2.. Agni: poorverrizibhiriDyo nootanairuta.
Sa devaa` eh vakzati..2.
{Rishi logan ke aadar0Ieeya Agni devataa dusar devataa logan ke hamani keehaa` le aawas.}
[Let the fire-god respected by all Sages bring other gods here.]
3... Agninaa raivashnavatyoshameva dive dive. Yashasa` veeravattamam..3.
{Agni devataa se log ja~s aa dhan paawelan je dinodin baD*at jaalaa}
[With the help of fire god, one gets lot of wealth and fame which goes on increasing
day by day.]
4.. Agne ya` yagyamadhvara` vishwata: paribhoorasi. Sa iddevezu gacchati..4.
{Agni deva Yagya ke sahaare Sansaar ke sab devataa logan tak hamani ke ceej bhejelan.} [Fire god makes to reach all our Yagya articles to different gods.]
5.. Agnirhotaa kavikratu: satyashitrashravastama:.
Devo devebhiraagamat..5.
{Aagi deva je me` subuddhi, saccaai, swacchataa khaatir vikhyaat baani, rauaa dusaro devataa logan ke saath aaee`}
[Let fire god, who is full of wisdom, truth, and fame come here wit other gods.]
6..Yadanga daashuze tvamagne bhadra` krizyasi. tavettsatya mangira:..6.
{He Agni deva, rauaa jawno karab, ohi se hamani ke dhan dhan ho jaaib.}
[O, fire god whatever good you do on us, that itself is all for us. ]
7.. Up tvaagne divedive dozaavastardhiyaa vayam. Namo bharanta emasi..7.
{He Aagi devataa, rauaa anhariyaa se ujariyaa ka deni, ham aapan so’~c ke le ke aawataani, sab uujar kare khaatir.}
[O fire god, the illuminator of darkness, we come near you with our thought for illumination.]
8.. raajantamadhvaraa0Iaa` gopaamritasya deedivam. Vardhamaana` sve dame..8.
{He camakat Aagi deva! He Jag ke paalak, Satya ke sitaaraa, apane ghar me` raheni rauaa.}
[O Agni, the shining fire god! Protector of Yagyas, the star of truth, living in your own dwelling. ]
9.. Sa na: piteva sunaveagnesoopaayano bhava. Sacasvaana: svastaye..1.9.
{He Agni deva! Hamani ke pitaa! Hamani ke raxak banal rahee`.}
[O fire! Be easily available to us like a father to the son. Be with us for our well being.]
(Anudatta, Udatta, Swarit chihnaa: na pradarshitaan atra.)
Roman-LipyamSanskritaPaThitum eva` lekitum prathamam gamyataam: www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com
{Roman Lipi me` अन्तराष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी Bhojpuri paD*e aa likhe khaatir pahile dekhi`: www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com }
[For reading Sanskrit correctly written in Roman Script, first go to www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com ]
लेख़क: Lekhakasya Vicaaraa: {लेख़क ke Vicaar}: [Writer’s\ View]:
[1] Goto www.plus.google.com “Darkness to Light: : Doctrine and Gist of Vedas Tamaso maa Jyotirgamaya. Veda ke adhaar aur Saar >
By Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma
>> वेद पठन पूर्वम उपर्युक्त Veda paThanaPoorvam uparyukta www sthaane स्थाने गम्यताम् सत्यार्थजन्य gamaneeyam Satyaarthajanyam.
{Veda paD*e se Pahile uupar ke www link dekhee` sahi Artha jaane khaatir.}
[Before reading, studying and to derive appropriate meaning of Veda Mantas, go to the above link.]
[2] www.ecs.umas.edu/ece/janaswamy/jan darshaneeyam{dekhe laayak} [refer]
[3] यज् Yagya, Yajna = Good Performance, = हवन पूजन कर्मकाण्ड Hawan, Poojan, Karmakaa0IDa.
[Not ‘Sacrifice’ or न तु कदा वलि Vali as told by many particularly Westerners.]
Apara` ca. {Auru baa.} [continued.]
Roman-LipyamSanskritaPaThitum eva` lekitum prathamam gamyataam: www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com
{Roman Lipi me` अन्तराष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी Bhojpuri paD*e aa likhe khaatir pahile dekhi`: www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com }
[For reading International Bhojpuri written in Roman Script, Goto www.bhojpurigrammer.blogspot.com]
Kramasha: {Caaloo baa} [Continued]
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